Thursday, November 08, 2007

Future of web design

Went to the future of web design conference yesterday. Overall i give it a 2 out of 5. The majority of the speakers sucked. I don't know if it had anything to do with the terrible sound problems or the fact that we couldn't see any one's presentation. Who'd ever think that there would be a problem with seeing screen projections in a room made up of windows? FYI (to the conference), learn from the movie theater people, they seem to know what they're doing.... Anyway the conference was not a total lost. There were a few good speakers to mention of, Joshua Davis (programable flash design), Jina Bolton (future of CSS3), John Snook (Ajax), Jeffery Kalmikoff (threadlist - teeshirt design community) all gave good presentations and interesting insights about web design and where it's going. I have to say though, it's good to go to these kind of events and see & hear from industry leaders. It sparks ideas and inspiration for your own work. If anything it's at least a motivational boost.

Here's a cool screenshot from Joshua Davis's presentation. It's a flash app that creates a picture of Chuck Close's face with wiggling worms:

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