Monday, October 02, 2006


Went to the Wired NextFest this weekend to see all the new technology shit. Some really cool stuff, everything from environmental housing to video games. One of the most popular attractions was a virtual video game, where a player fights enemies on a blue screen using their true physical abilities. See video below.

This is what the player is seeing and fighting. (see below)

There was also virtual Pong which was a combination between table tennis and Pong. A cool concept but I think I would rather play table tennis or Pong by itself, not a combination of the two.

Fog or mist that was used for projection. It was much clearer in person.

This was a light display that had music synchronized. Controlled through a weird metal pole interface.

A Korean team built this robot similar to the Sony bot. Almost life size, they put Albert Einstein's head on the bot's body. His face was made out of some fleshy like material which was capable of making human-esque expressions, i.e. sad, happy, scared... This attracted a lot of attention but really didn't do all that much.

This was a door that opened in the shape of your body. It sort of worked... but because of the space inbetween your legs the bottom slots did not always open, causing people to trip and impale themselves on a sharpened wooden stake placed strategically on the other side of the door.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, I was going to tell you about this event, I subscribe to WIRED magazine and the article they had on it was super dee duper! Glad you made it, I wish I was back in Philly so I could crash out on your floor after a long nite of partying and making out with misc. crazy NYC haole girls. That would be the only reason.

-Paddy's friend from HI