Thursday, December 21, 2006

Concrete Jungle

Yes, there are not many tree-lined streets in alphabet city. Don't get me wrong they do exist, but when they don't, the creatives have to do their best to make it happen. Sure there's no natural scent, shade, or oxygen created, but hey, do you really think real nature is prettier than this? Someone give me a fucking granola bar.

Ohhh it's on!

I can't wait. Modern day gladiators. "TITAN against TITAN!!!" (incorrectly quoted from Clash of the titans - 1981) Yeah I watch Ultimate Fighting, so what? Wanna fight about it?

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Elizabeth St.

I love the old wall at Elizabeth and Spring Street. It's constantly changing, Last week there was a guy with a green beard on it and now this. I'm not sure when or who adds and changes it but it never feels like the same corner, hmmm well maybe it does in a unique way. The only thing sad is, the old building is rumored to be sold, probably to some pseudo-Trumpateer. I hate to think of this gritty corner turned into a starbucks with 30 floors of turd housing above it. It's hard fighting change. Speaking of Trump, his new multi-$$$,$$$,$$$ condo development in soho was stopped a couple of days ago because they found human remains on the site that dated back to the 19th century, see story here. It's not determined when they will start construction back up. There is a possibility that it maybe labeled a historic site. Cross your fingers! I guess I'm not the only one who thinks there are too many overpriced condos being built. Even dead people from the 19th century don't want that crap. Maybe there is hope after all.

Sunday, December 10, 2006


I had dinner at Ninja New York the other night where Ninja's serve you dinner in their hidden lair. It was as tasty as it was cool.

This ninja performed clever magic tricks.

Smoke gushed from the sides of this dish when the sword was removed.

These are pork morsels that melt in your mouth not on your elbows, by far the best dish. The black coloring is from squid ink. It's ummm, not burnt.

A tiramisu bonsai tree for dessert, who woulda thunk?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

How much $$

The other day i got this survey in the mail from the AIGA (American Institute for Graphic Arts) asking me to disclose my job title and salary. Paper-clipped on the front of the letter was a one dollar bill. The reason for this survey was to survey design professionals and poll the average salary of different level designers in the industry. I'm sure it would be sorted out into many other subsections that include area of design, geographical location, age, sex etc.... Whatever. Initially I was surprised that they would send cash through the mail, but at the same time thought it was very clever. First of all the dollar caught my attention and stopped me from throwing it in the trash. Second it was very much in line with the whole salary theme. And third, it made me feel guilty that i had to fill out the survey for receiving the dollar.
I haven't filled it out yet and also haven't decided if I will. However, I do believe that knowing the salaries of different positions, including our own, keeps the paychecks competitive. That being said, there is something inside me that is rebelling against this concept. Maybe i feel that their concept is manipulative and along the lines of the familia guilt. If they had just given the reasons for the survey without the dollar i might have been more compelled to fill out the survey, maybe not. Anyway I still haven't decided, but I do have to say that this was the most interesting piece of junk mail i received in a long time.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

LV windows

Many of you may have seen Louis Vuitton's windows on 57th and 5th. It's really fuckin cool, but what the hell is it? Maybe it doesn't matter.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Driving down through Lake George, home of the lovely & talented Rachael Ray, I stopped by a video arcade with all the old games from the past. There was a shooting gallery, skeeball, asteroids, and many other old school video arcade games, including these two pictured below. With the tickets won from skeeball, I had enough to buy a harmonica at the prize redemption. So if you're in Lake George, NY, you can still play the oldies, as long as your wife lets you.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Monday, November 20, 2006

writing on the stalls

Blogging has always been around since before you and I can remember. I took some shots of old school blogs, posted by old school bloggers or sometimes known as "vandals". People write/draw some crazy shit.

Friday, November 17, 2006

the sinister night

I haven't blogged in a month. Here's why. About a month ago i went to a place in Hell's Kitchen called "Bamboo 52", great happy hour from 4-9pm. Half off all exotic cocktails, hmmm. It was there i believe something sinister happened. Halfway through my 3rd drink, i stopped remembering. Maybe it was a bad reaction to the sake and sushi, maybe i was suffering from fatigue, but the night before i had gotten a magnificent 8 hours of sleep! Anyway based on my numerous years of college parties, happy hours and after work drinks, the effect was more powerful than any type of (alcohol based) jungle juice known to man. Luckily I brought my camera, who's memory sticks can not be altered by saketini's or sakesangria's. These pictures were my only clues in putting together what happened that evil night. The ones circled in red, I believe, are key pieces to solving this mystery. I will not accuse any suspects or reveal possible motives, it is not right at this juncture. However I inquire you, the reader, to examine these photos with a fresh pair of eyes. You may see something i have not.

Monday, October 16, 2006




These were taken at Rudy's @ 44th & 9th. Drink beer and get free hotdogs, Oink!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


In the 1970's well-known American graphic artist, Paul Rand, created the Eye-Bee-M poster for the computer corporation IBM. He used a combination of icons with their logo to show how we associate pictures and their meanings. Saturday in the Men's bathroom at Mo Pitkin's House of Satisfaction, I saw this rendition of a "No Smoking" sign. As you can see this mediocre and unsuccessful tribute to Paul Rand's iconic poster demonstrates an important point, you don't need to be literate to understand a sign. After my moment, I finished my cigarette and let the next guy into the pisser.


A monument gives a unique experience to those who encounter it. Therefore I won't go into a lengthy interpretation of what I think this means, but I will give you some background. I saw this on 54th and 8th Ave and the artist remains unknown. That night I shared these photos with some new acquaintances who said, "ummm, we're from Texas..." If you know the artist, please share his or her identity with me.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Graf truck

I think graffiti on trucks have become socially accepted. Usually the standard of graffiti on trucks suck, but that's besides the point. Trucks seem to be more of a sketch pad rather than a real canvas, those being walls, garage doors, etc... Or it could be that wannabe graffitist think that trucks are company owned, so they're not really vandalizing anyone's personal property in theory. But what if someone really did buy one of these trucks for own their personal use and it was their sole means of transportation? Where the hell could you buy a truck like this, i've never seen cargo truck dealerships. Could you imagine a cargo truck dealership salesman? He's probably considered the low of the low amongst fellow salesman. Maybe that's where you start out, first in Cargo-truck sales, then you move to trailers, then used cars, then new cars. Actually there are too many types of cars to fit in the whole scheme of things when mapping out the hierarchy of car salesmen. For instance, where would winnebagos fit in? Anyway getting back on track, if i woke up in the morning to find my personal cargo-truck totally graffitied on, i'd be pissed. Unless of course it was some hip graf-artist from the early 80's.

Monday, October 02, 2006


Went to the Wired NextFest this weekend to see all the new technology shit. Some really cool stuff, everything from environmental housing to video games. One of the most popular attractions was a virtual video game, where a player fights enemies on a blue screen using their true physical abilities. See video below.

This is what the player is seeing and fighting. (see below)

There was also virtual Pong which was a combination between table tennis and Pong. A cool concept but I think I would rather play table tennis or Pong by itself, not a combination of the two.

Fog or mist that was used for projection. It was much clearer in person.

This was a light display that had music synchronized. Controlled through a weird metal pole interface.

A Korean team built this robot similar to the Sony bot. Almost life size, they put Albert Einstein's head on the bot's body. His face was made out of some fleshy like material which was capable of making human-esque expressions, i.e. sad, happy, scared... This attracted a lot of attention but really didn't do all that much.

This was a door that opened in the shape of your body. It sort of worked... but because of the space inbetween your legs the bottom slots did not always open, causing people to trip and impale themselves on a sharpened wooden stake placed strategically on the other side of the door.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Bloggin' ain't easy.

Sometimes when things are crazy and shit is flyin back and forth, it's hard to take a step back, breath in and say,"what the fuck is going on?". I guess that's been the case for me the past few months. I forgot to take a breath and passed out. Only to wake up two months later to find out that summer is gone and i haven't the foggiest idea of where i've been.

However I haven't stopped taking pictures, and after i awakened from my dream, i found a few photos that somehow smuggled their way in to my camera. Who the hell took these photos and what connection do they have with me? Anyway let me know if you know.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


I feel like knockers on door add so much character to a house. When I finally become a proud home owner, I'm getting one just like this. Well actually, I found one at the 39th St antique fair, a bull's head with a nose ring that doubles as a knocker. Maybe that's a little too ambitious for my studio apartment but one day, yes... one day. This picture is from a little inn upstate in redhook new york.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Fancy feet

This was taken at the Brazilian Day Parade on 46th/6th ave. Sunday.

New York Goats

There is wild life in New York. I visited with these friendly goats, near a winery in Red Hook. I never noticed this before but goat's eyes are like cats eyes, if you turned them 90 degrees. Watch the video below to see them in action.


Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Heather and I were trying to help Amanda find a new hair style. This is our discussion.