Friday, August 24, 2007

Hezzy for Trapezy

Pier 40 on the west side hwy. offers trapeze lessons. Yesterday a bunch of us from the office went out there and had a swinging time.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Attention all bedroom DJs!!! this will save you so much space you'll actually have room for a bed. I'm so overwhelmed about this technology that i can't even express my excitement. It's like the iphone for DJ's but better. Can you imagine fitting 2 turntables, 1 mixer and a crate of records in the palm of your hand? Well here it is. Beat matching, faders, filters, audio controls, and 120 gig hard drive! The only thing i didn't see was the ability to scratch, but i'm sure that will be available on the next software update. Check out the official website here, and pics of people trying it out here. It's suppose to be released this fall and no one seems to know what the pricing will be. I'm assuming it won't be that cheep.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Coolest site ever

The site EYE-PROJECT , takes video clips and pictures people post, then maps them out to create 1 big video or still image. Each video clip/picture that acts as a pixel, is posted by anyone along with a message. Ludicrous! this takes the Mona Lisa to the next level bitches!!! video creating video, luckily we have the bandwidth, but if you don't it'll take forever.

Type ring

Super cool type writer rings. It looks like a real type-ball from the electric typewriters. But if you look closely, it's not actually from the real type-balls. The letters are facing wrong way. The real ones would be flipped, reading backwards. That way when you punch someone in the face you'll be able to read the letters on their forehead correctly. This is the link to artist who created these.

Magic Wheel

Found this alternative to the scooter, it says you can go up to 20 mph on this thing but i don't know. Check out this page, for more details and a video which shows some losers riding around. I'm holding out for a mini-longboard skateboard.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Word of the day: Plethora

I love it when movies entertain us, while teaching us at the same time. The Three Amigos is a classic comedic flick with a plethora of insights.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Deutsch bank fire

I just so happened to be by the WTC site on Saturday at the same time of the Deutsch bank fire. There was a really bad burning plastic smell, and tons of tourist standing around watching. Two fire fighters died from carbon monoxide poisoning. I learned that the Deutsch bank building is in the process of being demolished, but has taken over 6 years because of all the asbestos contained in the structure. That morning, before the fire, my friend said to me that the weather felt oddly similar to the weather on 9-11.

Friday, August 17, 2007


This is a screen shot from a website called 070829 . See if you can figure it out, maybe there's nothing to figure out.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Contemplate, Belgium brewskis

So I'm continuing on my Belgium brew hunt, diving in sippy-straw first to the world of holy, yeast free beers. According to local folklore, all the beers in Belgium are brewed at the mountainous monasteries by the monks themselves. Also, another fact that hasn't been thoroughly checked out is, the air around the monasteries contains enough yeast that there is none added in the brewing process. HMMMMM or YUMMMM? Well I have always been fond of Leffe beer available at the higher class delis. But recently a local bar called Valhala on 54th & 9th that serves around 30 beers on tap, including Chimay, Leffe, Rodenbach and few others that I can't remember, brought in a special beer on tap called Triple Karmeliet. It's a wonderfully refreshing beer with color similar to Leffe, a little more caramely in flavor but with much more depth. I'm no where close to being a food writer so using words like nutty, caramel, bouquet etc... is a bit foreign, so bare with me. Chris G. was the one who turned me on to Triple Karmeliet and opened my eyes to world of Belgium brew dogs. Last night I ate and drank at a wonderful little restaurant and bar called B. Cafe on 75th btw. 2nd/3rd, I think 'B' stands for Belgium but who knows, the owner's name might be Barney or Barnibus or Bart or Brian or Brice or Bailey or Benny or Basil or Bonnie or Benjamin or Biff. Thea recommended the Redbach Rodenbach, which was delicious! Similar to Lambic but much less sweet! Here's the entire selection of beers:

Draft Beers:
Stella Artois
Hoegaarden Wit Beer
Leffe Blonde
Leffe Dark
St. Bernardus A12

Amber Ales:
Delirium Tremens
Kasteel Dark
Kasteel Gouden - Triple D'Or
Tripel Karmelict
De Koninck

Abbey Ales:
Grimbergen Blonde Ale
Grimbergen Brown
Corsendonk Abbey Brown Ale
St. Feuillien Triple Abbey Ale
Maredsous Dark
Maredsous Triple


Chimay Blue
Chimay Red
Chimay Gold
Westmalle Trappist Ale
Trappistes Rochefort

High Percentage Alcohol Golden Ales:
La Chouffe Artissanal Belgian Golden Ale
Duvel Belgian Golden Ale

Fruit Beers:

Redbach Rodenbach Kissed by Cherries
Kriek Lambic Cherry Flavor
Gueuze Lambic
Cassis Lambic Black Currants Flavor

By the way the mussels and fries were the best i've ever tasted!!! No joke.

There are a few other Belgium bars that Thea recommended also, Vol De Nuit on W. 4th and Burp Cast in Astor place. Haven't gone to them yet but will report back when I do. By the way, most of the Belgium beers have a higher percentage of alcohol so having more than a few will kick you in the ass! Just like this one below.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Monday, August 13, 2007

Over crowding

Living in NYC, we're use to herds of people in small cramped places. Just like this woman in Russia, who lives in a 2 bedroom apartment with 130 cats. It seems insane, but I guess it's all relative. Below the video is the human version of 130 cats in an apartment. It happen on Friday night at the Luna Lounge in Brooklyn.

Monday, August 06, 2007

We'll take off with this

Most of you probably know this, but you can watch helicopters take off and land on the westside hwy. yeah yeah, I'll reveal cooler stuff soon... weather permitting.

mid-end summer bike

Got a new bike! This one. And i'm just starting to realize that NYC from a biker's view is much different than a pedestrian's.