Friday, June 22, 2007

Scotch Tape Art

Robin sent me these pictures of some amazing tape sculptures. I'm not sure who does them, but they are fuckin cool!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Mercury F#%$in' Retrograde is upon us!

Yesterday my friend Mo said to me, "ok I want to get this done quickly because you know, Mercury Retrograde is starting tomorrow...."

"Hold on, what the hell is Mercury Retrograde?" I asked. To make a long story short Mercury (the planet) is in retrograde when it appears to be moving backward. So in essence it's not actually moving back but looks like it is, which is due to "the illusory planetary motion created by the orbital rotation of the earth, with relation to other planets in our solar system.

"Ok great, so what does that mean?" I will explain this by quoting Mo's email to me:

In Astrology, Mercury rules intellect, communication, perception, transportation, and shipping, as well as all moving parts within machines and electronics.
When Mercury retrogrades, it is in resting state and not operating at full force. You will note delays and miscommunications, and you may also notice that you and others become forgetful or more "off" in judgment. Certain appliances, computers, electronic items, and other machines may suddenly show signs of wear and tear, and need repair. It's never a good time to make large purchases when Mercury is retrograde. Back up your computer to protect your data, and for now, put off installing new software.

If you are given a contract to sign, read through it very carefully, as it's likely that you will find clauses to change. Contracts signed while Mercury is retrograde never work out as planned. If you later decide to continue the relationship when the term is up, the deal would have to be renegotiated from top to bottom.

Here's the vital information

The Dates:
June 15 - July 9 (yes it's that long....) You still may feel the affect a few day after the end date.

The good side:

It is definitely a very good period for some actions. No time is completely bad for anything, there is a reason in everything happens. The key is the reversed direction of movement: take any known Mercurian action, reverse its flow, consider the keywords "re-doing something", "double-checking", "finish the old projects" and there you are, you've found the good side of Mercury retrograde.

For instance, you may want to read again a book you particularly liked, a subject you studied before, meet and discuss with old friends you haven't met for a long time, travel to places you've already been to before.

This is an excellent time to work on old projects that never got to be finished. So, think about the things you started and never finalized.

Next, you might wish to prevent any bad things to happen to you: so double-check your agenda, call your business partners to confirm that everything goes as planned, have everything ready before the deadline and leave some extra time for unexpected events. Make copies of your important files and documents, save your work more often.

The other solution is to go on vacation or at least slow down the pace of your projects. You will find that going slowly during the Mercury retrograde period will spare you many efforts of redoing the same action that wasn't performed right the first time.

Above all, be generous and compassionate: you are already aware about the influence of this period, but the others aren't aware of it or there may be uncontrollable events. That's why you should have more diligence with the others and give them some more time. It'll be your mental health that you'll be sparing actually.

You don't have to obsess about this or let it rule your life for the next 3 - 1/2 weeks but just beware. As Mo said, "forewarned, forlorn." Just so you know got my first incident of Mercury Retrograde today. This email is a perfect example of miscommunication through machines.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

SOFA show

I went to the SOFA (Sculpture Objects & Functional Art) show last weekend at the Armory, and even though it was disappointing, there were a few pieces that stood out from the rest. Here are the highlights. The last pic was Marissa's favorite piece. Feel free to write a comment/caption for it.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

This is why I bought the Wii


The Rowboats played a cool show this past weekend in Carol Gardens, Brooklyn. Big ups to Mitch and the rest of the band! Check out one of their tunes below.

Mullet Alert!

I spotted this mullet riding down 9th ave the other day. Show me yours and I'll show you mine.